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Group protection suggestions

Good evening everyone, unfortunately this is not an update but a security warning to protect your groups from malicious users that create dummy userbots and bots of @YeageristMusic_bot with the sole purpose of damaging your groups. 🤖 Bots We advise you not to use unofficial bots. Create your personal clone or use one of the official bots @YeageristMusic_bot 🔑 Token of the clone Through the API Token everyone can access with third-party tools and make malicious actions, we advise you to not share it with anyone who's not part of the official support of @YeageristMusic_bot.

👾 Userbots They do not explicitly ask to be promoted as administrator of your groups, nor they write in private chat to users. If you'll face a dummy userbot, we advise you to remove it from your groups, then report it to the Supporters in private chat or in one of our support groups, by sharing some proofs with the username or ID of the userbot. 🧙‍♂️ Supporters They will not ask you to promote them to admin. If you'll face a fake supporter, report him to the official support and remove him from the group, to avoid any kind of problem. If you are 100% sure that he is an official Supporter (you can check it by asking him to send a special command that will recognize him as a supporter), then you can promote him as administrator.

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